
The kid will show up in two families: the natural one, and also the one who adopted him. The fact of adoption doesn’t change the biological relationship to the birth family. This is as it should be.
Nov 11, 2011

Individual: Close Relatives

Add a new father
Add a new mother

Link this person to an existing family as a child
Add a new wife
Add a wife using an existing person
Link this person to an existing family as a husband
Add a child to create a one-parent family
Link remote person

Family: remove or change

Options for family
Charts -~ Reports -~ Edit Family -~ Other
Edit Family
-~Change Family Members

  • Remove simply does the unlinking part
  • Change would be of most use when changing a mother or father. It unlinks the existing mother or father and then lets you search for the replacement by name

Family: delete an individual


3) Don’t get in the habit of deleting INDIs. PGV has excellent tools for CHANGING the structure of families under the OPTIONs menu in the FAM record. If there is a wrong child or parent, simply remove that person(s) from that family and then either reuse the INDI record by changing the data, or leave it for reattachment to another family. When you think about all the data movement that a deletion creates, its asking for trouble, and 4.1.4 had several bugs where the FAM record was not updated if an INDI was deleted. Always, IOHO, better to change, plus it keeps numbering under control. 2008-09-03

the pull down menu:
Annulment [ANUL]
Civil Marriage
Divorce filed
LDS Spouse Sealing
Marriage Banns
Marriage Contract
Marriage License
Marriage Settlement
Number of Children
Registered Partnership
Religious Marriage
Custom Event

Working area

p personal

  • Personal Facts and Details
  • Notes
  • Sources
  • Media
  • Album
  • Close Relatives
  • Tree
  • Research Assistant
  • Map
  • All

Do NOT use the Quick Update. Instead, you need to use the Edit Name link on the individual’s Personal Details page, under the Edit Options heading. Nov 10, 2011

Link and unlink a person/child


IF someone had 4 wives (with names) and 12 children (with names) but there isn’t any indication as which woman gave birth to which kid.

I’m using Add a child to create a one-parent family under Close Relatives tab but don’t know how to link the child with the parent should I find out later on.

You can what you’re proposing. Later, you can unlink the child from that family and then re-link to the correct one. Unfortunately, there doesn’t appear to be an easy way to do the unlinking – it has to be done by editing the raw GEDCOM records for the individual and the original family. That’s not very hard, but you have to be very careful.

under View Details for … I see the existing son (Li Jingyu) shows as Son, the child (Li Jingchu) entered as bro to existing son listed as Brother. Does those different indications matters? To what extend? Or merely tells me how this person was entered?


Yes, it does matter. If you’re entering a person as a brother to an already existing person, you need to add that new brother as a son to the parents’ family. If necessary, you have to add a parent first, even if it’s with an unknown name. This will create a family, to which you can then add the brother. Afterwards, you can delete that parent with the unknown names. Nov 10, 2011


Best Man
Civil Registrar
Foster Child
Foster Father
Foster Mother
Registry Officer
Twin brother
Twin sister

Ancestry Chart 祖先图表


  • Birth Date
  • Time
  • Place
  • Address

Facts and sources..

  • Add a new Associate
  • Add a new Source Citation
  • Add a new Note
  • Add a new Shared Note
  • Add a new Multimedia object
  • Restriction

Lunar date goes into Add a new Note, it will show under the Personal Facts and Details tab.

Facts and Events

This is PGV define facts and events:

The naming conventions in Gedcom standard have „Events” and „Facts” (sometimes called „Attributes”). They can both apply to individuals and families. The conceptual difference between events and facts is that Events occur at a definite point in time (while the point may extend as far as a day), while Facts are either extended in time, or don’t have a specific time attached to them. The real life and the reality of information gathering blurs somewhat this distinction. An example of a definite Event is birth, which occurs at a specific time and place (even if date or place is unknown, we expect this to be self-evident). A definite Fact could be Number of Children for an individual or family: we usually do not assign a date to such number. However, if you describe the education, you can use the „Education” Fact extended in time, or „Graduation” Event, or both. A person’s medal or distinction can be described as fact of having or as event of receiving this medal or distinction, etc.

The pull down menu:
Address (ADDR)
Adoption (ADOP)
Adult Christening (CHRA)
Ancestral File Number (AFN) [AFN]
Associate [ASSO]: best man, employer, slave, etc.
Baptism [BAPM]
Bar Mitzvah [BARM]
Bas Mitzvah [BASM]
Birth [BIRT]
Blessing [BLES]
Burial [BLRI]
Caste / Social Status [CAST]
Census [CENS]
Christening [CHR]
Confirmation [CONF]
Cremation [CREM]
Death [DEAT]
Description [DSCR]: physical description (e.g. Tall, dark .. height 165 cm) in lieu of pix
Education [EDUC]
Email Address [EMAIL]
Emigration [EMIG]
First Communion [FCOM]
Graduation [GRAD]
Identification Number [IDNO]
Immigration [IMMI]
LDS Baptism [BAPL]
LDS Child Sealing [SLGC]
LDS Confirmation [CONL]
LDS Endowment [ENDL]
Military [_MILI]
Nationality [NATI]
Naturalization [NATU]
Number of Children [NCHI]: sometimes # of kids is known, but not all their names
Number of Marriages [NMR]: # of marriages; may not all known; 0 IF never married
Occupation [OCCU]
Probate [PROB]
Property [PROP]
Religion [RELI]
Residence [RESI]
Retirement [RETI]
Social Security Number [SSN]
Title [TITL]
Will [WILL]
Custom Event [EVEN] defined by me

  1. Travel: Zhou Xuexi in Japan
  2. ?

Life and death
Birth (BIRT)
Death (DEAT)
Burial (BURI)
Cremation (CREM)
Number of Children (NCHI)
Number of Marriages (NMR)
Adoption (ADOP)
Marriage (MARR)
Divorce (DIV)
Engagement (ENGA)
Marriage Bann (MARB)
Marriage License (MARL)
Marriage Settlement (MARS)
Marriage Contract (MARC)
Divorce Filled (DIVF)
Annulment (ANUL)

Lifetime achievements and facts
Residence (RESI)
Address (ADDR)
Fax number (FAX)
Phone number (PHON)
Email address (EMAI)
Web page (WWW)
Education (EDUC)
Graduation (GRAD)
Occupation (OCCU)
Retirement (RETI)
Military (_MILI)
Physical Description (DSCR)

National / government
Nationality (NATI)
Imigration (IMMI)
Emigration (EMIG)
Naturalization (NATU)
Census (CENS)
Social Security Number (SSN)
National ID Number (IDNO)

Earthly posessions and titles
Property (PROP)
Title (TITL)
Will (WILL)
Probate (PROB)

As the Gedcom standard was originally created by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS), it is perhaps not surprising that many of the events describe the christian rites and ordinances. With some creativity, however, one can use them to record events and rites in other religies as well.
Religious afiliation (RELI)
Christening (CHR)
Baptism (BAPM)
Adult Christening (CHRA)
Bar Mitzvah (BARM)
Bas Mitzvah (BASM)
Blessing (BLES)
First Communion (FCOM)
Ordination (ORDN)
Ordinance (ORDI)
Confirmation (CONF)
Caste (CAST)

LDS specfic events
LDS Child Sealing (SLGC)
LDS Spouse Sealing (SLGS)
LDS Babtism ([[BAPL)
LDS Confirmation (CONL)
LDS Endowment (ENDL)

There are two generic tags, unsurprisingly called Fact and Event
Fact (FACT)
Event (EVEN)